Microflow 3D  v1.0
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAutoThreadingResponsible for automatic partitioning of grid nodes into MFThreads
 CConfigDataAccessors for text parser objects: case parameters, program parameters and thread parameters
 CGridVDBThe GridVDB class provides some additional functionalities to standard VDB grid object. It is used for storage of sparse geometry points
 CNodeBasic data structure for storing f(i) data for each computational grid node
 CThreadMFThread is an object that collects some number of Nodes of the same type which shares the same additional properties i.e. name, initial and boundary values and they are processed in the same way by functions during a pre-collision and collision steps
 CThreadArrayMFThreadArray is an std::vector object that stores shared pointers to MFThreads
 CVec3A three element vector data structure
 CVec4A four element vector data structure
 CAutoSettingNodeA class of methods that automatically classify nodes of any geometry
 CBoundaryFromThreadAdds boundary nodes from thread_params.cfg file to VDBGrid
 CFluidFromThreadAdds fluid nodes from thread_params.cfg file to VDBGrid
 CNodeIDA class that allows to determine the proper NodeID from combined nodeType, uidThreadNr, ThreadCount, ComponentNr and PhaseNr
 CSolidFromThreadAdds solid nodes from thread_params.cfg file to VDBGrid
 CStlMesherConverts surface mesh to volumetric grid with constant voxelSize spacing
 CDirectionsD3Q19A structure that allows to code/decode in unsigned int number (32bit) the propagation directions of the full Q27 lattice
 CLatticeParametersD3Q19A class that stores the parameters characteristic for the D3Q19 lattice
 CPropagationD3Q19Class used to determine the active propagation directions for each active (non-solid) node
 CParametersConversionThe class of methods converting between LB and physical values and vice versa
 CCmdLineArgsParserThe object of CmdLineArgsParser class parses parameters and its values transferred through the command line at program start-up
 CTextParserThe object of TextParser class parses case, program and thread config files
 CCSVReaderThe object of CSVReader class parses text files with node coordinates for uid-threads definition
 CSTLReaderTytiThe object of STLReaderTyti class reads the .stl surface grid
 CVDBWriterThe VDBWriter class provides a write interface for OpenVDB grid
 CVTIWriterThe VTIWriter class provides a write interface for data storage in .vti format
 CBoundaryFunctionsStores the implementations of all boundary conditions with the distinction of the node location: N, S, W, E, NS, Top, Bottom
 CCalculationsCollects functions for post-processing calculations
 CCaseParametersA class whose object is responsible for storing all case parameters
 CCollisionCollects collision algorithms
 CConsoleWriter The ConsoleWriter class collects functions that prints information on console
 CFluidFunctionsCollects calculation algorithms of rho and velocity LB for fluid nodes
 CInitializationResponsible for initialization of values of particle distribution function for each node (equilibrium model)
 CProgramParametersStores paths to program files and folders