Dassault Rafale
Results of simulation of air flow hydrodynamics around a French fighter aircraft designed and built by Dassault Aviation.
Grid statistics:
Total number of computational nodes = 42 309 792
Number of fluid (1) nodes = 41 265 933
Number of bounce back (61) nodes = 916 479
Number of velocity (20) nodes = 63 690
Number of velocity0 (40) nodes = 0
Number of pressure (30) nodes = 63 690
Number of periodic (4) and (5) nodes = 0
Ratio of non-fluid nodes to total number of computational nodes [%] = 2.46718
Solution parameters:
Re = 1000
U_Ch_LB = 0.0666666
Dt_phys [s] = 6.66666e-06
L_ch_LB [Lu] = 150
Nu_LB = 0.00999999
Solver: Microflow 3D R0.1
Data visualisation software: ParaView v5.6